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Becka & Brian Say I do

Remember Kara and David's awesome backyard wedding last summer?

This is her amazing sister Becka and Kara's new brother in law Brian.

They were married on June 3'rd at Westfield Brewing Company in Southwick, MA.

Being able to photograph another wedding with the Pinsky family was an honor <3

I remember Kara and Becka running down the hall way that morning when I saw them in their hair and makeup and not fully dressed and hugging/jumping on me hehe.

Best moment ever ; )

My clients really do become my friends and I enjoy taking care of them.

I made a little circle with the wild flowers around their invite.

I am a dork like that ; )

So Becka like most brides unfortunately had a little stress on the wedding day, but we didn't let it spoil anything. She handled it like a boss!

Rule one of being a wedding photographer, KEEP THE BRIDE CALM ; )

When the bride is upset then NO one is happy. Her maid of honor Kara did a great job of keeping us on schedule for the day and keeping her sister from entering (as I like to call) meltdown mode.

As a bride myself, I know this mode all too well. Yeah, I have been there a few times already, my poor fiancee, haha.

I adored these intimate moments as sisters and best friends getting her sister ready for the big day.

Mostly because I love these two!

I feel lucky to be apart of these memories.

All of Becka's bling!

And of course her GORGEOUS bouquet, which complimented her dress perfectly.

Brian gave this charm bracelet to Becka the day before their wedding with their date on it, so cute!!

When she told me, I totally had an "awwwwwwww!!!" moment.

So an important thing to remember at the end of your wedding day, if your hair appointment runs late (it did for Becka), the weather is rainy (it rained that morning), or even if your venue pulls out some not so lovely last minute "surprises" (yup, that happened too) no matter what, you get to marry the love of your life and nothing can ruin or change that!

I think the BEST moment of the day was when Becka yelled out, "OH MY GOD!!" Then of course Kara and I proceeded to run to the next room thinking to ourselves oh please let things be ok.

Us- "What's wrong?!!

Becka- After a 30 second pause. "I'm so pretty!!!!"

Haha, and she was.

Becka went to open the curtain a few moments later and I said "hold it!!!" She just looked so beautiful standing there.

Then we let in the parents one by one to see Becka for the first time. ; )

Their faces were priceless.

I really loved this shot of Becka looking at her mom.

...and of this amazing lady ; ) carrying all the flowers like a champ! #maidofhonorduties

Then it was time to go get married!

All the bridesmaids showed up as we were headed out and we all squished into the elevator.

So before we get married, let's go back to the beginning of the day with the guys.

I can't leave them out after all.

I asked them to do a toast...because ya know, they had the beer and all ; )

Can I just say that the guys were attention hogs?! Haha, I loved the enthusiasm so I say that in a GOOD way!

They loved having their photos taken.

They were coming up with poses all day long and just kept cracking me up.

Plus I saw most of them in their underwear that morning so that takes any nervousness and throws it RIGHT outside the window.

For the record, I did knock first when I got to the groom suite.

Brian was not all!

He was game on all the way ready to marry the love of his life!

I love the bro-mance these two have.

As it should be with your bestie ; )

How great are these cufflinks?! V for their last name Vincent ; )

We originally planned to do their first look at a park nearby the venue, but things got shifted around and I had about 3 minutes to find a new location.

Brian had to make the walk down to the first look spot I picked out.

This gives new meaning to think on your toes.

Weddings happen FAST and you have to be prepared to come up with your next amazing idea.

I like to think on my feet and I thrive in the beautiful chaos of a wedding.

SO much is going on!

I found a beautiful spot at the top of the hill surrounded by forrest, field, and the sky.

We made Brian stand there for a few minutes, poor thing but he was such a good sport.

Of course Becka had to make the walk up the hill too and I could tell she was excited/nervous to see Brian and have him see her for the first time.

We grabbed some cute shots on the way up.

It was MY first, first look haha. It could not have gone better.

Becka did have a rule that day for guests and myself included, no crying.

It was tough!

I get emotionally attached to my brides, I can't help it!

When you're nervous I feel it with you, when you're happy and relaxed I am too.

I just want everything to be perfect and I work HARD to make sure it is so you have the best possible photos.

We had some issues that day...sticks, bugs, ticks (yuck!!!), the heat, not many shaded areas, but when I asked Becka afterwards if it was all worth it, she said, "YES!!!"

Brian's facial expression after seeing Becka said it all.

Pure joy. It was incredible.

I am so very lucky I had great clients that listened to me throughout the day, which is the best thing you can do for your photographer, but also for yourselves.

Trust us because although we push you out of your comfort zone (which I did to Becka), sometimes you just need to pause, take a deep breath and know that we are making lifetime memories that your grandkids will see!

Becka and Brian from the e-session to their wedding day told me "We trust you" and that's the best thing I can hope for from any client. Thanks guys!!

So then we only had a few minutes before the official ceremony and Becka and Brian read their own private vows to each other.

They had a set for the formal ceremony vows and then their own.

I know, so romantic right?!!

Just the two of them, and me hiding in the background ; )

Then it was time to go back down the hill and get married!

And of course pinning on the boutonnieres had to happen!

We had Becka & Brian's mom on the job : )

Note: No groomsmen were stabbed by any floral pins at this wedding.

His facial expression is amazing though, haha.

Then it was time to walk down the grassy isle.

Her girls looked stunning.

Of course we saved the best bridesmaid for last ; )

I love how excited not only Becka was in that moment, but her parents to gain Brian as their new son.

I happened to look over and realized all the groomsmen were all standing like this.

It's almost like we planned it!

Then it was time for a drink and some group shots.

Of course beer is THE thing to have when you host your wedding at a Brewery!

They all looked so gorgeous and I loved the colors!

Yeah...this is the craziness I deal with!!

Recognize these two?

Now it was time for my favorite moment.

The time when I whisk the bride and groom away.

I knew I wanted to cross the street from the second I arrived.

Big beautiful old barn ='s amazing photo ops.

Plus I knew Brian and Becka love that look so we went for it!

The only down side was that there were thorns all over the ground and Becka's dress would get caught constantly so we had to be very careful and lift it up.

You can't always plan for everything, but she handled it like a champ and so did Brian.

When the dress got stick we simply pulled the thorns out and kept on going.

Those moments (although frustrating) make those like these worth it in the end!

Becka kept saying how handsome her new husband looked <3

...and Brian kept staring at his bride adoringly all day.

I love making the grooms hold the flowers, hehe so cute and Becka insisted we get that shot!

There are so many amazing more photos I could share, but we will save those for your private gallery.

Thank you both, it was so wonderful to be apart of your day!

A special thank you to Becka's sister Kara for being an amazing maid of honor and teaming up with me that day. She was my partner is crime haha.

To say I loved working with you both doesn't begin to cover it.

I am so happy for you Becka and Brian, here's to many more wonderful adventures.

<3 Ashley

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