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Ashlee & Keith Engaged

Ashlee and Keith are engaged (woo hoo!!) and I shot their session at the awesome Roseland Park in Woodstock, CT.

I had not been there before, and I LOVE being introduced to new locations!

Beautiful flowers here and lots of nature, which I always incorporate in my sessions.

Let me start this post off by saying what an incredibly cute and strong couple these two are.

They met at Woodstock Academy (look for the WA hat!) and are high school sweethearts. *Swoon*

Ashlee mentioned she was a bit nervous about the session and that they sometimes can look a little awkward for photos (I swear EVERYONE thinks this so don't worry), but this could not have been any more untrue.

Keith + Ashlee ='s photo awesomeness.

I loved how silly they were, but also how comfortable they were with each other, best friends forever....or as you used to sign in your year book "BFF'S."

Remember that? ; )

I have been out of high school for...17 years. OH MY GOD. Is that even possible?!

I think I just told you how old I am, so fee free to ignore that last sentence.

When Ashlee asked me for prop ideas the day of, I said bring your year book!

She also brought a ton of other amazing things.

Like these wine glasses and the doilies that protect them, which are her grandmothers.

So pretty! I loved the case, she's so stylish!

So we had a mini picnic complete with wine and a trip down memory lane.

Totally normal thing to do on a Saturday in front of a person you've just met, right? ; )

I love how happy they were looking back on their friends and fun moments during their times at Woodstock Academy.

Loved this hat, it's Keith's but he let Ashlee borrow it!

As I said...adorable!

Then we went and walked around the property to explore a bit more!

This is the process for putting a flower in your future wife's case you need to know.

We ( I ) stole one from Ashlee's bouquet for this cuteness!

Did Keith almost poke Ashlee's eye? Only like twice ; )

This is one of my favorites from the day.

I just love the way he is looking at his future wife, so sweet.

Ashlee is a girl after my own heart, we both adore flowers.

She brought our favorite, sunflowers to the shoot! I of course enjoyed making this apart of their session.

Then on our way to the gazebo and dock we found a "well."

It was sort of a well, but not really.

It was more decorative than functional. but hey who cares?

Do wishes still count if there's no water in the well? YEAH they do!

We had so much fun being cheesy with these shots, haha.

So onto the dock we went next!

The session then got even better...are you ready for this?

So earlier when I was scouting out spots I found a little bookshelf where you could take a book and read at the park.

I thought, oh wow how CUTE would that be to have them pick out their own books and then read together?!

So before that happened as Ashlee was about to sit on the bench, she says..."Is that butterfly ok?!"

I'm like, "Wait....what butterfly???"

It literally had JUST come out of the cocoon and was just sort of waking up if you will.

Seriously MAGICAL!!

I have never seen this before. The three of us were in total awe.

As Ashlee has her hand there we were thinking we should move the butterfly so the kids nearby wouldn't disturb it because she was out in the open.

Well come to find out, newly hatched butterflies are as docile and friendly as can be.

We just let her explore and go where she wanted without disturbing her.

I seriously wanted to cry it was so beautiful!!

How AH-MAZING was that moment???

I picked her up and gently placed put her in an area nearby that was roped off were she would be safe and said goodbye and thank you.

Then after our awe and amazement wore off, it was back to our books, haha.

Their choices were CLASSIC!!

Little Women for Ashlee and for Keith War of the Worlds ; )

I had my own book which I promptly borrowed and shot Ashlee's ring on.

I loved that it was 1- a Daniel Steele novel haha and 2- said No Greater Love in the title.


Then it was time for their Save the Date sign, a special message, Keith's close up, and one last twirl.

When Ashlee said she had a chalkboard but wasn't sure how to incorporate it into the session, I asked her to write Keith a message, and so she did.

The Keith wiped some of it off by accident, haha. Poor Keith.

Then this was the final one.

Is it bad that I almost cried reading it?!!!

The sign said; "I haven't looked at you for this long since high school. but I still love every detail of your face. Can't wait to marry you!"


Then a celebratory twirl that I insisted they do <3

Congrats guys!!

I had a blast and cannot wait for your wedding!!

You are a wonderful couple and I could NOT be more excited to be working with you both.

<3 Ashley

Hey guys, do me a huge favor, if you're reading this and enjoyed the photo magic go ahead and click that heart button.

You're the best!

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